When life deals you lemons
Hello awesome, it’s nice to have you here, I hope your day was good. So I joined a daily writing challenge and this is my day 1 for the challenge.
It really has been a long time since I have written. I don’t even know what to write on. I was thinking about several things and which one will be the best to start of this contest, so I settled on picking a random page from my last year’s diary.
This piece was written on October 8th, 2020
“ Dear me,
If wishes were horses even beggars would ride but unfortunately they are not. Things don’t often happen as we wish, this is obvious in your life at the moment. You are a shadow of who you wish to be, you have experienced a few unpleasant situations but don’t let them weigh you down cause they are meant to happen. What you make of those situations is actually what matters, whether or not you allow it to impart you negatively or whether you ensure you make the best of it….”
I will stop there, so the above piece I wrote to myself at a time when I had an unpleasant situation going on personally. I don’t tend to speak to people whenever I have similar situations cause somehow I feel they would only make the situation worse so I tend to keep it to myself to figure out the solution by myself, it doesn’t allows work out but I love it better that way. There are always lessons to be learned with adversities, and challenges.
I know you’ve heard this a lot of times so I will love to remind you once again. “No condition is permanent” . I don’t know what you are passing though right now, I don’t know how unpleasant your situation, it may even seem like you are the most unfortunate person in the world right now. But there’s sill hope, this is not the words of a motivational speaker, this is just coming from a random person you probably don’t know. If life deals you lemons make lemonade.
As I write one of Chris Do’s videos came to me, one he made on turning obstacles to opportunities. I will suggest you watch the video.
Through people’s experiences in life and my own life, I’ve learned no matter what adversity we’ve faced, we need to find the confidence to show up and make that big move that you’ve always hindered yourself from.